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Everyone has cravings, but for people with diabetes, it’s even more important to resist temptation. Fortunately, food cravings typically originate in our minds and aren’t driven by a physical need. Knowing this, can you find the will to resist?

1. Check your sugar1

If you have diabetes, there’s a very real possibility your body does need something. Have you ever been overwhelmed by a sudden craving, only to realize later that it was just low sugar? You could save yourself a lot of trouble throughout the day just test your blood sugar when cravings hit.

2.  Ask yourself, "Am I really hungry?"2

If you’re not hungry but you still feel like you can’t say no to that leftover pasta, it could be craving. Sometimes, stating the obvious can give you the extra nudge you need to resist temptation.

3. Have your breakfast3

Eat a healthy meal with some filling protein and fiber, and you’ll be less tempted by spontaneous hunger pangs or a tray of pastries at the office.

4.  Distractions, distractions

Take a walk, organize your desk, pay a few bills, run an errand. Do something that occupies your thoughts and takes your mind off the treats you crave.

5.  Snack smarter

Always have some healthy snacks around fruit, nuts or even sugar-free gum. Keep them at home, in your car, at work, in your bag—anywhere you can get to them easily.

6.  Water to the rescue4

Did you know that sugar cravings could just be a sign of thirst? Chug a big glass of water and see if your craving disappears.

7.  Stay energized

Try to avoid things that zap your energy—skipping a meal, unchecked stress5—and include things that keep you feeling refreshed, like exercise and getting enough sleep. You’re most likely to reach for the things you crave when you’re feeling run down.

8.  Ditch the zero-tolerance rule

In other words, give in to your cravings every now and then. You don’t have to go overboard and eat a dozen triple chocolate chip cookies, but you don’t have to deny yourself the things you love either. Everything in moderation, as they say.

1. Fesler K. The Craving Brain. Tufts Now [Internet]. Medford, Massachusetts: Tufts Nutrition; (accessed Nov 2021)

2. Hypos and Controlling Hunger. (accessed Nov 2021)

3. Iliades C. Diabetes breakfast mistakes to avoid: Managing type 2 insulin. Everyday Health (accessed Nov 2021)

4. Cleveland Clinic; 3 Reasons You Crave Sweet or Salty Foods (accessed Nov 2021)

5 Singapore, Ministry of Health, Healthhub Diabetes Management and Stress (accessed Nov 2021)


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